
Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 Wish List: Come, Lucky Time, Come!

Well, hello everyone. It's Dec 31 and we'll celebrate the new year's eve tonite! Yeaaay!
Unfortunately, i'll just stay at home, watching the tellie, then adjust my watch to the exact hour. Haha.

So, what will i do, what will i be in 2011?
Here's my wish list:

1. Working as a journalist in a media
Sorry for have no time to write down on this blog that i've had a very nice time on my internship program in Bintang Indonesia. Last Friday was my last day of being an intern on that entertainment tabloid. As someone who absolutely passionate of being a journalist since i was in high school, it feels like i've finally reached my dream.
But i haven't reach the satisfaction of being a journalist if i do it just as an intern. I wanna do it for living. Next year!

Here are the medias i wanna work with:
For God sake, i'm craving for being a fashion journalist!
Urban Style magz
 This magazine belongs to Sedaya Citra Media which also the owner of Bintang Indonesia. Both located in the same building and even in the same room. Only a red-thick partition that separates the room. I knew some of the journalists, like Stallone, Novita, and Agung, and they're sooooo hilariously fun! They're nice and friendly. Ok, i should've talk about the magz, but the people factor could be the most important thing. If your job is good, your salary is good, your room is good, but the people is always stare at you with cat eyes and makes you feel uncomfortable, just leave it, safe and sound!

Anyway, i miss Stallone, Novita, and mas Agung :')

Bintang Indonesia
 I love the job, i love the events that we usually being invited, i love interviewing the celebrity, and i love the facility. Really. That's nice being an entertainment journalist.

Extra Wishlist
Harper's Bazaar
Well, i'm a newbie in journalism world. I know it's almost impossible for me to work with Harper's in 2011 as my very first professional job, but i do craving for a position there.

  2. Money-Making
 How? Are you asking me how to do it? By achieving my first wishlist, of course ;)
 Oh, maybe by opening my own online shop, too. It's been a long time dream and i wanna make it true, ASAP. 

3. Style-upgrading
Let's start it with dazzling shoes and chic dresses. 

Now let's prepare the brand new day with huge dreams and plans.
Happy New Year and have a nice future! :)

P.S: Happy bday to my lecturer, best-friend, and life-adviser, Yearry Panji who reaches his 28th year on earth today. Thanks for every story and life-lesson that you've taught me and keeping my two biggest secrets! Love ya, dude! ;)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Cameo Heirloom, The Beauty of Victorian Era

As a vintage lover, i love something old, something comes from the past. I also love Victorian style. Including this stuff:

It's a cameo. Cameo is a classical heirloom that crafted the shape of a lady or any other forms. There are 4 kinds of general cameos. Cameo, made from shell or stone, cut in relief using the object itself to produce shadings of the carving. Camea, is an amulet or charm, known as "Engraved Gem". Relief, carved from the front with the front profile showing. Intaglio, carved from the rear of the profile. Cameos have been around for thousands of years. They are not jewelry fad. They are desired because of their hand-crafted nature and pure artwork. They are valuable heirlooms that are passed from one generation to another. More than likely, cameos will be here for "many generations" to come. (

My granny never give me any heirloom on whatever forms, unfortunately :'(

Whatever material it made from, cameo heirloom always steal my eyes. Anyone wants to wrap it as a new year gift for me? Please?

Bambang and Ani: Now and Then

So, like any other day, i found myself sitting straight in front of my computer, blogwalking and blogwalking and blogwalking, then i suddenly found this picture.

(taken from:
The caption at the source web says they're a couple of lover that now known as Mr and Mrs President of Indonesia.
At first i feel like i can't believe it. The lady, yes, she had a similar face with our First Lady. She looks so pretty. She had a vintage movie star face. She reminds me of Nona Sari from White Shoes and The Couple's Company.
But the guy beside her? No, i can't believe it's Mr. Yudhoyono.

Now let's compare it with this picture:

If it's really you, then what kind of dinner that you have each day??
You replace that thin and bony body into... mmm... should I call it... dense frame?

Well, honestly, I've got a bit scared for talking about this in the blog. Yeah, you know, what kind of awkward country that we have here. Someone can throw me into jail for saying that you're fat, Mr.President.
No, i'm not mocking at you. Just saying that you might need to work out before Indonesia lost its power because of your... mmm... obesity?

Due to our president's body shape, we should've thank god for beating the president of U.S.
Obama needs to be fattened and we have what Obama needs.

Work out your body, Mr.Bambang.
Shape your body like how you shape the economic future of this country.

Your people.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Brogan Mackay: The Most Spoilt Child Alive

Pernah merasa iri dengan teman-teman yang selalu dimanja keluarganya?
Baju baru setiap bulan, mainan baru setiap minggu, atau piknik setiap weekend?
Honestly, gw nggak pernah dapet itu semua.
Beli baju jarang-jarang, apalagi piknik.

Buat yang mengalami nasib yang sama kayak gw, mungkin bakal ngiri sama bocah yang satu ini.

Perkenalkan, bocah paling manja se-Britania Raya
(so far sih, baru segitu ya. Mungkin aja berkembang jadi se-Dunia).

Brogan Mackay

Liat kan, gayanya aja udah tengil. Guess how old she is?
She just turns 11.
 Oh my, gw waktu umur 11 masih nonton Powerpuff Girl sambil ngefans ama Westlife.
Sedangkan bocah ini ngefansnya sama Lady Gaga, Paris Hilton, dan designer-designer ternama kayak Dior, Gucci, atau LV.

Kenapa Brogan jadi anak paling manja?
Di hari pertama dia lahir, ibunya memakaikan Brogan baju bayi dengan brand Baby Dior. 

Y'all know how expensive Dior's stuffs are. When it comes to kids, it has no reason to decrease its price.

“When I think of all the money we have spent on Brogan over the years, even I can’t believe it. Her first outfit as a newborn was Baby Dior,”  ujar Alison, sang ibu. Alison merasa inilah caranya membahagiakan puteri kesayangannya, dengan memenuhi kebutuhannya akan barang-barang mahal.

Alison juga membelikannya sepatu Gucci seharga $360 sebelum Brogan bisa berjalan. Brogan juga punya sandal Jimmy Choo seharga $950.
Kid, you should come and visit Indonesia for a while. You have to meet your competitor on Jimmy Choo things. Come and meet Miss Syahrini.

Di usianya yang ke-11 sekarang ini, lemari baju Brogan penuh dengan koleksi rancangan designer ternama dunia. Dengan warna-warna yang dapat dipadu-padankan satu sama lain. Handbag Chanel dan Prada sudah bukan barang asing di kamarnya. Setiap naik kelas, Brogan selalu ingin punya tas baru yang tak kalah "wah" dari yang sudah dia punya sebelumnya.

Hey kiddie, gw dulu sekolah pake tas beruang, lho.
Kelas 6 SD gw pake strolling bag Dragon Ball.

No, she's not another Hilton kiddies.
Brogan merupakan putri sulung pasangan Alison dan Stephen Mackay. Ibunya berprofesi sebagai parttime hairdresser dan bapaknya supervisor plumber yang gajinya nggak seberapa. Mereka bahkan cuma tinggal di flat tiga kamar tidur yang benar-benar simple.
Seperti sudah diduga sebelumnya, kebiasaan yang ditanamkan sejak lahir ini semakin menjadi-jadi setelah Brogan berkembang dewasa. No, dia bahkan belum dewasa sekarang! Dia baru berumur 11 tahun dan setelah dihitung-hitung, selama 11 tahun ini Alison dan Stephen telah menghabiskan tak kurang dari GBP150,000 atau sekitar Rp.2.131.818.300,-
Kayaknya cukup ya, buat beli rumah baru, ketimbang cuma flat sederhana?

“Whenever I see anything nice I think ‘Oh, Brogan would like that.’” aku sang ibu.
“I can’t go into a shop without buying Brogan something. She enjoys being pampered because it makes her feel grown up."

 Bukan cuma barang-barang fashion, Brogan juga punya TV flat seharga $1100, iPhone, dan peralatan komputer seharga $2600 yang dibeli orang tuanya agar Brogan selalu update dalam mengikuti berita-berita tren dan fashion terbaru.
Laptop Advan gw aja yang cuman 2,8 juta bisa ngelakuin lebih dari itu.
Oh, maksud gw, gw tau gimana caranya memanfaatkan teknologi dengan baik dan benar ketimbang cuma browsing fashion items.

Saat ini Brogan mengoleksi 35 pasang sepatu. Tapi ke-35 pasang sepatu ini tidak semuanya dipakai dalam jangka waktu lama. Berhubung Brogan masih dalam masa pertumbuhan, beberapa sepatu cuma dia pakai 1-2 kali.

Untungnya, kebiasaan ini tidak menurun kepada adiknya, Carys. Di umurnya yang masih 5 tahun, Carys senang dengan kesederhanaan dan tidak suka barang-barang bermerk. Alison dan Stephen menyangkal bahwa mereka menomorduakan Carys. Mereka berkilah bahwa Carys memang tidak setipe dengan Brogan yang gemar hidup mewah.
Tapi tetep aja, belanjaan kakaknya mengalir terus. bahkan Brogan sudah punya credit card sendiri!

Kalo kayak gini, ortunya yang punya kelainan, kali ya?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mummified by Holly Fulton

Who wants to be mummified in 2010?
There are things to do when you're dead, the very much tech-savvy things to do, but do you wanna be mummified when you're dead?
At least, you'll knew how it feels like to be Cleopatra when she's dead.

Holly Fulton offers a chick way to mummified us.

This special sculptural and graphic magic was done by Fulton. This was shown in the London designer's forst solo collection of Autumn/Winter 2010. Her first two collections, with Fashion East, featured similar, strong lines, and Art Deco, Mackintosh and cinema-inspired pieces adorned with metal and Swarovski crystals.

There are more portentous dress comes from her brilliance.

The paintings on the dress put the mystify touch on it. 
Well, hey, it makes you look taller, too!

Fulton knew exactly with what i called as "life is a canvas".
She takes it deeper with "your body is a wonderland."

It's an unfortunate thing that Indonesia wasn't hype enough. If it's so, we might find Tugu Monas or Balinese Pura above one of these dresses!

I bet she always get her mom in a high anger when she was a kid. 
I bet she draws in her mom's kitchen apron with Monalisa's face on it.

Well, you can do a collaboration with cell-phone vendor.
You can make GPS app more stylish.

Then, there she is. Holly Fulton, a talented designer (and suspectable painter) can put drawings on your body when you feel unconfident enough to show your stodgy belly to the body-painter.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Finger-Man: Membuat Manusia dari Jari

Pernah nonton film "cin(T)a"?
At least, pernah liat poster filmnya?

Sebelum film itu keluar, sebenarnya banyak yang bikin foto orang-orangan dari jari kayak gitu.
Lucu, ya. Karena somehow, orang-orangan itu nampak begitu hidup walau hanya terbuat dari jari.
Di bawah ini ada beberapa contoh ekspresi orangan-orangan dari jari yang gw sebut "Finger-Man" ini (kalo ada yang tau sebutan aslinya, share ya...)

"Anak Pantai"

"Mario Bros"

Look! Your finger's crying when you stitch!

My finger wants to go to the moon, but i won't. So i send it anyway.


Smokey Finger

 My finger can do Kung Fu

 I always clean every part of my body. Including every inch of my fingers.

 If my finger die, will I die too?

 "Cendol Drunk"

"The Pope"

 I left my finger in my nose for an hour and it's freezing

 Bye, world!