
Friday, September 24, 2010

Latest Looklet Posts: All That Jazz

It's 1:40 AM down here in my messy boarding room. Alone, feeling the silent. Well, not a total silent, actually. At least there are my noisy fan and The Cardigans playing on my Winamp.

So, what am i doing when i absolutely sleepless?

Tonight i checked out some of my recent Looklet posts. Yea, it feels like a lifetime i haven't post my Looklet designs here. Here are those pretty ones:

All That Jazz
by Rerre Adysti

Head band by Urban Outfitters
Handbag by J Dauphin

Bracelet by Lotta Djossou

Belt by Beyond Retro

Mini Dress by Lipsy London

Heels by Karen Millen

Firstable, dont ask me why i chose the title. It just runs into my mind all of a sudden.

See, i put this petite little lady on my Looklet design again and again. I have no idea whether she's pretty or i was unconsciously made the designs based on my actual body size: petite.

Basically, the outfit seems any other pretty basic cocktail dress, and i ain't deny that (i'm not in the mood of talking about fashion dignity, though. LOL). To make it a bit out of basic, i put the dazzling belt from Beyond Retro.
I found this leather studded belt quite dazzling, especially when i combine it with the basic mini LBD. Mind the size, petite ladies. It helps to increase ur stunning look.

Beside the jewel-studded leather belts, here are some stuffs to combine this All That Jazz classy night:

The main menu, the mini dress by Lipsy London.
I chose this dress as it reminds me to the pretty-baby,
Marylin Monroe.
Heck, no, u dont have to stand above the manhole blower
to get the same allure.
This mini LBD has been one the most classic-but-evergreen
dress ever!

The bracelet by Lotta Djoussou.
Does anyone know what shape is it?
An eagle? Dove? Swan?
Mind the shape, i love it! :)

The heels by Karen Millen.
Oh my... Is it the thing that Cinderella dropped
on the late-night party?
Wow, i guess i've made the wrong choice as i put the
jewel-studded belt as the highlight of this design.
Come put the spotlight to this baby! :)

Fur handbag by J Dauphin.
Needless to say, i love it pretty mucho.
Ladies, make sure you're not on PETA's blacklist
for wearing this fur at the party.
(Hell, no, i'm not offensing u, PETA. i'm just wishing
that this smooth bag doesn't made out of real animal fur)

You might not see it pretty well, but this pretty feather
head band is on top of this classic outfit design.
Really have no idea of what feather are those.
But, heck yeah, i love it!
Way sooooo vintage! :)

Head band by Urban Outfitters

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dilema Pantat Lengket Lady Gaga

Baik dan buruk itu bedanya tipis.

Nggak percaya? Coba praktekkan cara berikut ini.

Tegakkan jari telunjuk Anda. Secara perlahan, arahkan ke lobang hidung kanan. Ya, kanan. Karena kata orang tua, yang kanan itu baik.
Kemudian, korek dengan hati-hati. Carilah tekstur yang agak aneh dalam hidung Anda.
Segera setelah ujung kuku Anda mengenai upil kering (basah juga nggak apa-apa), keluarkan telunjuk Anda secepat kilat kemudian acungkan ke udara dan teriakkan,


Sudah selesai? Belum.

Cari benda-benda berelemen kayu di sekitar Anda. Misalnya meja. Usapkan telunjuk Anda ke permukaan bawah meja hingga seluruh upil Anda menempel di situ. Jangan sisakan sedikit pun di jari Anda.

Anda baru saja menjalankan tugas mulia, membersihkan kotoran dari tubuh. Tapi apakah membuang upil di kolong meja merupakan tindakan yang baik? Tentu saja tidak, karena upil Anda akan menempel di tempat lain yang -siapa tahu- dapat tersentuh orang lain dan upil Anda pun berpindah tempat ke tubuh orang lain.

Lalu, harus buang upil kemana?

Ya, itulah. Persoalan baik dan buruk memang dilematik.


Dilema baik dan buruk ini kini hinggap di benak penyanyi eksentrik, Lady Gaga. Penyanyi lagu "Poker Face" dan "Bad Romance" ini kembali memancing perhatian publik dalam ajang MTV Video Music Awards, Minggu (12/9) lalu. Seperti biasanya, dia memancing sorotan kamera melalui pakaian yang dikenakannya.

"Maap, lebaran haji kapan ya?"

Kita mungkin pernah mendengar pakaian dari kertas, daun, atau berlian, but this outfit is a TOTAL silly! Modelnya sih boleh lah, layer dress dengan ekor menjuntai ala glam Hollywood circa '80an. Tapi coba bayangkan, she let those pieces of cold-wet-flesh stick into her body for the whole show! Saya tidak bisa membayangkan apa rasanya saat dia duduk. Bangun dulu deh mbak. Pantatnya lengket, nggak?

Seperti apa pula ekspresi orang-orang yang duduk di dekatnya selama award berlangsung? Mungkin langsung menyerbu abang-abang tukang masker gocengan (gw mau dong, yg gambar doraemon!)

Rasanya penyanyi wanita berwajah waria ini memahami betul istilah disposable alias sekali pakai langsung buang. Coba kalau kemudian dia berpikir, "O, i think it might be great if i wear this on Oscar night!"

Yes, malam Oscar tahun depan gaunnya sudah berubah pucat dengan belatung melambai disana-sini. The golden statue might even break its nose.

Baby, let's make things clear. Your dress is a total horror. I will never ever put fresh meat into my well-groomed hair. You might be a drag queen, but your lady-like body should never be treated like this.

Kreativitas memang tak terbatas. Tapi mbok yang apik gitu loh.


Baik dan buruk, cantik dan jelek, luar biasa dan ancur minah memang tipis bedanya. Juga dilematis.

Anyway, saya sempat baca judul berita di sebuah situs. "Apakah ini waktunya berhenti memperhatikan Lady Gaga?"

I guess i'll join the team :)