
Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Woman Behind the "We Can Do It!" Poster

Kartini's Day has over, but I want to show you how the ladies rule the world in vintage era.

Ladies, I bet you knew this picture

But I also bet that you never know who's the girl in this poster.

This poster, also known as the-"We Can Do It!"-poster, is an American wartime propaganda poster made by J. Howard Miller in 1942. This poster was made as an inspirational image to boost worker morale. 

The iconic figure in this picture was called "Rosie the Riveter" after the iconic figure of a strong but feminine war production worker. On that time, there are so many women worked as factory worker, meanwhile their men serves at war. The power of the factory ladies captured in this poster that was made to empower the other girls to show that they also had the power -- just like the men.

So who's the lady in it?

The real "Rosie the Riveter" is a Michigan factory worker named Geraldine Hoff Doyle.
She was born in Inkster, Michigan, July 31, 1924.
After graduating from high school in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1942, Hoff worked as a metal presser in the American Broach & Machine Co. of Ann Arbor.
Working at a factory, which formerly considered as a "male only" occupation, began to filled with the ladies, as men started enlisting and being drafted into miliyary service for World War II.

"Rosie the Riveter" at a metal factory.
The source of this picture ( didn't mention
whether the lady in this picture is Geraldine Hoff Doyle or someone else.
The "We Can Do It!" poster was created for an internal Westinghouse project, so it did not become widely known until the 1980s, when it began to be used by advocates of women's equality in the workplace.
Doyle herself never know that she became an icon of female worker until 1984.
She came across an article in Modern Maturity magazine which linked a photo of her to the poster, which she had not seen before.

"Rosie the River" character remains an icon and appeared on a 1999 postage as part of a WWII series produced by the U.S. Postal Service.

Geraldine Hoff Doyle died on December 26, 2010 in Lansing, Michigan, as a result of complications from arthritis. She died in age 86 and left her 5 children, 18 grandchildren, and 25 great-grandchildren.

Doyle was gone, but her spirit as a tough female worker, remains forever to celebrate the power of a lady.

Geraldine Hoff Doyle, the real "Rosie the Riveter"

I've Got OCD -- Obsessive Cake Desire!

People got crazy with cakes nowadays!

The rainbow cake, red velvet, blue velvet, you name it, those cakes are pushed the people's appetite stronger and stronger.
So do I!
Well, who doesn't like cakes, anyway?

But how does the cake trend looked decades ago?
Here are some retro cakes that will make your saliva comes out!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Age Philosophy of Scarlett Johansson

In the April issue of Vogue, Scarlett Johansson talks about her high-flying movie role and surprising new romance.
But not any of those topics that catch my eyes.
It's the quote that she says about her age the wisdom of maturity that she had when she reaches her age now.

“It feels like a lifetime ago,” Johansson says. “Am I happy I’m not 20 anymore? Yeah. Nineteen? I don’t want to be that age. It’s incredibly confusing.”

For most people, 20s is the happiest age of all time.
The most productive, the most ambitious, and the most sensual age.
I'm in my 20s now. Early 20s.
But I guess I've wasted a lot than I've ever thought.
Will I say the same like Scarlet 10 years from now?

Meanwhile I reminiscing about my age, here's some photos of Scarlett Johansson in Vogue, taken by the maestro celebrity photographer, Mario Testino.

Not The Ordinary Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift graces the April issue of Harper's Bazaar Australia.
She came with her new bangs, the result of another cover shoot with Mario Testino the week prior.
This is completely not the ordinary Taylor Swift that I know.
No classic curl, no shiny blonde hair, just that pretty mysterious cat eyes.

Here's how Swift shows her different side to photographer Benny Horne.

Wrap by Maison Martin Margiela, top by Kanye West, necklace by Tiffany & Co and Fiona Paxton.

Navy top and pants by Dries Van Noten. Red and white gold ring by Stephen Webster.

Khaki jacket by Tom Ford. Black dress by Proenza Schouler.
White gold ring by Stephen Webster. Oxidized gold ring by Solange Azagury-Partridge.
Gold ring by Tom Ford.

Jacket by Miu Miu. Top by Tom Ford. Choker by Sass & Bide. 

Jacket by Alexander McQueen. Dress by Roberto Cavalli. Cross necklace by Tiffany & Co.
Emerald cross necklace by Stephen Webster.
 Silver chain necklace by Stephen Webster. Fine chain necklace by Fiona Paxton.

Jacket, top, vest, pants, and scarf by Haider Ackermann. Black diamond necklace by Cerrone.
Vintage necklace by Sydney Antique Centre.

Vest and top by Lanvin. Bodysuit (worn underneath) by Jean paul Gaultier.
Leather pants by Bassike. Necklace by Chelsea de Luca.
Choker by Lanvin. Bracelet by House of Emmanuele.

Being James Cameron

I often think about how it feels to be inside a brilliant mind.
"Being John Malcovic" is the movie that could be the answer for you who have the same thought with me.
The latest edition of Harper's Bazaar also tries to capture the mind of a brilliant guy in movie industry.
So here's James Cameron, within the fashion eyes.

Jacket and gown by Ralph Lauren
Dress and leg pieces by Threeasfour, shoes by Burak Uyan for Rodarte. 

Jumpsuit by Tommy Hilfiger, pumps by Christian Louboutin.
Gown by Blue Marine.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tika and the Dissidents (Live at Superbad - Jaya Pub, 2011)

Kali ini pake bahasa Indonesia dulu ya, ya?
Lagi males keminggris-keminggris ria.

Jadi ceritanya, bulan puasa tahun kemaren keinginan gw buat nonton Tika and the Dissidents langsung di depan mata, akhirnya kesampean juga.
Bang Susan yang biasanya gw sok-sok akrabin via Twitter, akhirnya gw liat sendiri depan mata gw.
Iga yang biasanya gw liat pas lagi mimpi basah, akhirnya gw liat sendiri depan mata gw.
Tika... Tika akhirnya jadi kenyataan, depan mata gw.

Sebelumnya mohon maaf, cuma mereka bertiga yang gw apal.

Walaupun cuma bawain beberapa lagu dan lagu andalan mereka --Under Their Feet-- gak dinyanyiin,
tapi gw puas.
Terima kasih buat pacar tercinta, @tubagus_guritno yang bela-belain nganter gw pake motor jadulnya
(bahkan dari beberapa hari sebelumnya dia udah heboh, "Pokoknya kamu harus nonton, harus!" dan nyariin jadwal manggungnya Tika. Tadinya buat hadiah ulang taun gw, tapi baru kesampean hampir sebulan setelahnya).

Pokoknya sekarang gw udah jadi fans Tika yang mabrur! Super!

Anyway, eyeliner cat eye-nya Tika bagus deh. Ajarin dong, Tik.

My First Visit to Tex Saverio's Dynasty

I was writing an article about Tex Saverio's latest collection that showed at Bazaar Wedding Exhibition last weekend. 
Then I remember about the moment I met this brilliant young man.
It was my 22nd birthday on July 21, 2011.
I met him at his home in north part of Jakarta.
I can't describe what I felt that day, all I think was this is a cool bday gift for me, to meet such a creative person, a very talented young man.

So here's the article I wrote for, right after I have an interview with Tex.
Me, Wayan (reporter of Bintang Indonesia printed version) and Anggie (reporter Bintang Indonesia online version, but I asked him to be our photographer that day), listened carefully to the story of this brilliant guy.

MENGIKUTI kata hati seringkali mampu menjadi cara paling ideal dalam meraih mimpi. Itulah yang diyakini Tex Saverio, desainer muda asal Indonesia yang namanya semakin menanjak.
Meninggalkan bangku sekolah dan banting setir ke dunia fashion, hanya satu dari banyak hal yang dilsayakannya hingga mampu mencapai mimpinya seperti beruntung mendapat kesempatan untuk berbincang santai bersama Rio, sapaan akrabnya, di butiknya di kawasan Pluit, Jakarta Utara, Kamis (21/7).Berikut ini penggalan obrolan kami dengan salah satu perancang busana Lady Gaga itu:
Sejak kapan tertarik pada dunia fashion?
Sekitar kelas 3 SD, saya senang baca komik, seperti Doraemon dan Dragon Ball. Bukan cuma baca, tapi saya juga iseng-iseng menggambar karakter-karakternya. Waktu saya baca komik Rose of Versaille yang menceritakan Marie Antoinette, saya perhatikan bajunya bagus-bagus, detail, berkesan extravaganza.
Saya pikir, kok, saya lebih tertarik sama baju-bajunya daripada ceritanya? Akhirnya saya gambar baju-bajunya dan saya ubah jadi versi saya sendiri.
Mungkin dari komik itu akhirnya saya mendapat inspirasi untuk membuat rancangan yang bernuansa klasik dan extravaganza, sampai sekarang.
Sampai kapan akhirnya Rio memutuskan untuk menekuni bidang fashion dengan serius?
Dulu saya sekolah di SMUK 1 Jakarta, yang cukup sulit ditembus karena harus melewati beberapa tes. Beberapa teman saya tidak lolos, tapi saya bisa lolos karena di SMP saya juara kelas terus.
Tapi baru 5-6 bulan masuk sekolah, guru saya tahu kalau saya senang menggambar di kelas. Beliau menegur saya, “Tex, saya kalau jadi kamu, nggak akan mau sekolah di sini. Kenapa kamu enggak sekolah desain saja?”
Saya pikir, teguran beliau ada benarnya juga. Passion saya ada di fashion, tapi kenapa saya harus menunggu ijazah yang belum tentu bisa menjamin karir saya? Untungnya, orang tua saya sangat mendukung. Bagi mereka, yang penting saya yakin dengan jalan saya dan tahu yang terbaik buat saya.
Awalnya saya sempat mendaftar di Esmod, waktu itu umur saya sekitar 16 tahun. Tapi salah satu syaratnya harus bisa menjahit, sedangkan waktu itu saya belum bisa.
Karena ada tenggat waktu 2 bulan, saya diminta untuk kursus jahit. Tapi saya malah keasyikan kursus dan meninggalkan rencana sekolah di Esmod.
Saya orang yang iseng dan senang tantangan, jadi saya loncat dari satu tempat kursus ke tempat kursus lain, seperti Bunka School of Fashion dan Phalie Studio.
Siapa perancang busana yang menjadi inspirasi Rio?
Saya tidak merasa karya saya terinspirasi dari desainer lain, saya cuma terinspirasi dari karakternya. Kadang kalau saya lihat sesuatu, saya pikir kayaknya bagus kalau jadi baju. Misalnya baju yang ini (Rio menunjuk ke gaun berwarna keemasan di samping kami), yang terinspirasi dari anting-anting. Akhirnya saya susun beberapa anting dengan bentuk sama, ternyata hasilnya bagus.
Saya senang Valentino. Garis rancang saya ada sentuhan klasik, siluetnya tidak neko-neko. Simpel saja, yang penting bentuk badan wanitanya terlihat, pinggangnya kecil. Kadang saya cukup konservatif juga, membuat baju dengan leher serba tertutup. Mungkin bedanya ada di detail dan bahan pembuatannya.
Nama baru di dunia fashion Indonesia dan langsung membuat gebrakan. Bagaimana respon publik dengan pencapaian ini?
Awalnya saya sendiri tidak menyangka akan seperti ini karena belum setahun. Pertama kali saya tampil Juli lalu dalam peragaan busana Rejuvenate, lalu Dewi Fashion Knights, dan yang terakhir di acara launching majalah Clara, beberapa bulan lalu.
Rasanya kaget, tapi banyak juga yang bilang, tidak heran kalau saya bisa seperti sekarang karena saya serius mengerjakannya. Mereka bilang, saya layak mendapatkannya.
Berapa lama proses pengerjaan satu busana biasanya berlangsung?
Pengerjaan pakaian paling cepat sebulan, untuk yang paling lama setahun. Pakaian yang memakan waktu setahun ini pakaian pengantin untuk klien saya.
Waktu setahun itu termasuk dari pertama kali bertemu dan pengenalan karakternya. Saya juga harus memahami karakter klien saya, supaya saya paham bagaimana selera mereka.
Kalau dulu saya cuma dibantu 3 orang karyawan, sekarang saya punya 30 anggota tim yang siap membantu saya. Semua pengerjaannya berlangsung di sini. 
Source: "Wawancara Tex Saverio: Mengejar Mimpi, Ikuti Kata Hati" on

Me and Wayan, listened to Tex's story really carefully

With Joe Saverio, Tex's brother and manager

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Flirt" by Indah Kalalo & Fabiola on Jakarta Fashion Week 2012

It's been a very long time for me to leave this blog with no new post, except those Polyvore posts that came straightly from my Polyvore page.

I've left this blog for so long, so I'll give you some sneak-peeks from what I've been through all these times.

Starts with Jakarta Fashion Week 2012, last November.
I haven't post any of the review here, right?
Now, I'm gonna show you the very sensual collection of dresses from Indah Kalalo and Fabiola.
This collection was shown on the second day of Jakarta Fashion Week 2012 last year.
I don't need to talk a lot about the dresses, 'cause you'll love it when you see it, just as I do.

Oh, and there's Rebecca Reijman on stage. With no shoes.
Don't know what the f*ck happened to her shoes, but she still confidently climb the stage, bare-feet.

Rebecca Reijman, no shoes (?!?)